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The Eye Of The Beholder series - one sample

The Eye Of The Beholder series consists of semi-transparent artworks. Their semi-transparent nature offers the possibility to the one who “holds” them (whether a living organism or an object), to “alter” them. Consequently, these artworks can perpetually recreate themselves...

it is in the eye of the beholder.



The Eye Of The Beholder - the artwork

The artwork presented here is the first one of this series. It is called The Eye of the Beholder, as the series itself. It consists of two semi-transparent plastic sheets, one blue and one brown, symbolizing the corresponding eye colours. The transparent quality of these plastic sheets leads to variations in the background colour depending on the lighting conditions and whatever is placed behind the artwork. The dynamic lines, strokes, and shapes within the piece draw inspiration from the intricate design of the human iris.


This artwork attempts to convey the perpetual struggle between how we “see” (perceive) our environment and how it truly exists. Notably, this struggle is in a constant state of flux, mirroring changes in our surroundings as well as shifts in our perception and comprehension. Consequently, the artwork with its dynamic design and by offering an ever-evolving array of possibilities, acts as an expression of this eternal conflict.

The Eye Of The Beholder (2023), AC Syrakoy

AC Syrakoy
The Eye Of The Beholder


50 x 70 cm


Acrylic, ink, and glue, on plastic transparent sheets


The Eye Of The Beholder (2023), AC Syrakoy
The Eye Of The Beholder (2023), AC Syrakoy
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