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Landscape series - one sample

A Landscape is not just an image, it is an experiential journey, a dynamic exploration of space where various facets and elements unfold progressively as one travels through it, and/or around it. These art pieces offer the possibility of movement around them, revealing themselves gradually as one traverses through the space.



Landscape 1 - the artwork

Landscape 1  is the first art piece of the series Landscape. It attempts to capture the essence of an abstract landscape, where one's gaze transitions from the foreground, adorned with various plant elements, to the majestic rocky peaks that dominate the upper portion of the composition. A vivid, fiery-red setting sun bathes these rocky summits in its radiant glow.

The various elements, such as rocks and plants, share similar shapes, melding their distinctions—leaves metamorphose into peaks, and peaks into leaves, unifying all elements in their intrinsic interconnectedness. This symbolism attempts to encapsulate a profound concept: the unity of the small with the large, the substantial with the minute, the earthly with the cosmic, and the heavenly with the mundane.


This landscape gradually unveils itself to the observer, unfolding in three segments. To fully see each part, one must traverse through the space it occupies. However, this artwork is not limited to passive observation alone; active participation is also encouraged. The observer has the freedom to manipulate this art piece, adjusting its angles and positioning it in various locations throughout space.


Unlike other artworks that typically adorn plain walls, this piece can inhabit the fringes, corners, or even partly encircle columns, breathing new life into otherwise overlooked elements within our everyday surroundings. In doing so, it forges connections between the “small” with the “large”, attempting to bridge again the gap between the “mundane” and the “sublime”.

Landscape 1 (2023), AC Syrakoy

AC Syrakoy
Landscape 1


70(in total) x 100 cm


Acrylic, glue, and plastic semi-transparent strips, on cardboard (partly collage)


Landscape 1 - part A (2023), AC Syrakoy
Landscape 1 - part B (2023), AC Syrakoy
Landscape 1 - part C (2023), AC Syrakoy
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